Monday, March 16, 2015

Gear Lists: Part 1, Colton's Gear

Loaded up HMG Windrider, Locus Gear CP3 (not to be confused with CP3O) Poles, Altra Lone Peak 1.5s.
Considering this is my first thruhike, I imagine my gear list will change soon into my hike and continue to evolve over time, but after months and months of planning and meticulously evaluating and reevaluating and weighing and shaving ounces and going somewhat insane about gear (and grams), I've given in to a few basic philosophies.

1) Take what you have. This is simple. Just use what you already have. This saves money and frustration.

Heavier than I want it to be, but "take what you have".
2) Use what you're comfortable with. I've used all of this gear with the exception of the pack (of which I'm familiar with) and the quilt (of which I hope will work out). I went with a canister stove because this is what I'm most comfortable using, even though an alcohol stove would have saved weight and makes it easier to find fuel.

Trying to figure out which droid to use.
3) Keep it simple. Not just in regards to what one brings, but in the amount of thinking one must do. Whilst researching gear I started to drive myself insane comparing infinitesimally small weight savings on cuben fiber bear bags. "But wait, this one weighs less... but costs three dollars more... but is maybe not as durable?!" I eventually decided that over thinking it is bad for my mental health.

I included the weights of everything shared with Cheyanne, but I did not add those weights to my totals. Scroll to the right for weights. Anyhow, without further adieu:

Base weight: 173.96 ounces (10.81 lbs).

Worn weight: 47.65 ounces (2.98 lbs).

Skin Out Weight: 221.61 ounces (13.79 lbs).

I really wanted my base weight to be under ten pounds, but hey, such is life.

P.S. Without really meaning to, my instagram became more actively updated than this blog... so check that out if you want to stay up to date with what we're doing.

1 comment:

  1. Very informative! Thanks so much for sharing this. I know it'll help out a lot of people... including myself, if I ever decide to do an epic thru-hike. I have trouble not packing everything I own for an overnight backpacking trip! haha!

    Jessica @ VeganOutdoorAdventures
