Saturday, September 12, 2015

127: All the errands.

We aren't hiking, so I'll keep it brief.

We go get groceries (several miles from our hotel). 30 days worth of groceries. This is an incredibly hard task. Can you imagine planning everything you'll eat for the next month in one hour? 

We hitch back to the hotel, each with 30 days worth of groceries, laughing at our own stupidity and the absurd notion that we were somehow going to walk back with all these damn groceries.

A few hours later the hotel room is covered in grocery bags and discarded pieces of cardboard. Repackaging this much food is a total fucking pain but necessary.

Then we have to figure out how many days worth of food to put in what boxes. Much math, calorie counting, and generally boring stuff ensues.

But wait, Rush Hour is on?! Damn this movie is great, I forgot how funny Chris Tucker is. I'll just finish watching this and get back to my boxes later...

Two hours later, oh shit, Just Friends? This movie sucks but is hilarious in my calorie counting delirium! The boxes can wait.

Two hours later... What's this movie called? Something with Cameron Diaz. It's not funny but I'm busy eating this vegan gluten free pumpkin coffee cake with cream cheeze. Might as well be watching tv as well.

Two hours later. Damn, I really need to finish these boxes.

They aren't done until late at night, and by that time it's decided that I'll get very little sleep.

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